We take the Safeguarding of children very seriously
At Grasmere Nursery School, we ensure that appropriate and secure safeguarding measures are in place. We are acutely aware that the safety of our children is of paramount importance. All school staff undergo regular training in safeguarding. A system is in place to ensure that this takes place on an annual basis, thereby ensuring that safeguarding training and awareness is always up-to-date. Procedures are firmly in place so that any concerns are promptly reported to one of the School’s Designated Safeguarding Leads, who then takes any required actions. If you have any worries or concerns about the safety of any children from this Nursery; want some support or need to ask a question, please look out for any of these people who will be happy to help you. If you can’t find them, ask a staff member who will find one of them for you.
Barbara Tewe – Head Teacher/SENCo/Designated Safeguarding Lead
Kim Buttle – Deputy Head Teacher/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Vijith Vijay - School Business Manager/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Anne Keenan – Senior Leader/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Lois Robins – Family Worker/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Safeguarding Governor: Neil McNickle
As a member of the public you are also able to report concerns directly to Children’s Social Care, known locally as MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub), this can be done anonymously either by telephone, email or the link below. If you feel the situation is an emergency please call 999.
Telephone: 01582 547653 Out of hours: 0300 3008123
To make a referral to MASH: Safeguarding children (
Click here to go to Luton’s Safeguarding Children Board:
Domestic Abuse
Our Family Worker, Lois, is a domestic abuse responder. If you are a victim or survivor of domestic abuse, and need any help or support, please speak to Lois.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Click here to see the current Statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment: Keeping Children Safe in Education
Children Missing in Education
***The risks associated with children going missing from education have been highlighted in the latest KCSIE. Staff must follow Attendance Policy Procedures or report to the DSL/DDSL any unexplained absences.
Operation Encompass
Click here to see the letter regarding our participation in the new Operation Encompass Scheme run by Bedfordshire Police. The Scheme launched on 12th April 2021 and replaces the previous ‘Relay’ Scheme.
Please see the letter to parents below and for more information regarding this Scheme, please follow this link: Operation Encompass
Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism by Acting Early
It can be hard to know what to do if you’re worried someone close is expressing extreme views or hatred, which could lead to them harming themselves or others. Working with other organisations, the police protect vulnerable people from being exploited by extremists through a Home Office programme called Prevent. Please click the following link to the ACT Early website for more information:
Keeping Children Safe On-line
For details of how to keep your children safe on-line visit these websites: