A Positive Attitude!
Our mathematics curriculum has been created, through extensive research into child mathematical development, following latest statutory frameworks and consulting a wide range of published guidance. This is further supported by practitioner knowledge and training in the subject.
A positive attitude - We make maths exciting and practical, linking it to the world around us, for example looking for patterns and shapes in the environment or introducing number and counting through birthday celebrations. We also emphasise the importance of 'having a go' and problem-solving, particularly through the use of 'manipulatives' or loose parts.
Sequential learning - Children's mathematical development begins from birth, and we introduce the concepts of physical and spatial awareness, pattern, depictions in books and counting songs for our youngest children. These elements are revisited and embedded before introducing more complex concepts to our older children.
Focus Times - We have specific 'Mini Maths' times in our Nursery classes 2-3 times a week. These are fun learning sessions for all which build on what children already know and help identify those requiring additional support.
Parent and Child Workshops - Our Mathematics Workshops provide the opportunity to participate in a variety of mathematical learning activities, make a 'counting songs' resource to use at home and borrow a book from our Maths Hub library. They are supported by the setting's Maths Lead and Family Worker and provide advice on how to support children's mathematical learning at home and in the environment and ideas for easy and inexpensive resources.
Centre for Research in Early Childhood (2017); Chilvers (2021) Maths Mastery; DfE (2021) Development Matters; DfE (2021) EYFS Statutory Framework; Early Education (2021) Birth to 5 Matters; Education Endowment Fund (2018); National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Early Mathematics (2022); NRICH (2022); Ofsted (2017).