Family Worker Support
January 2025
I hope you all had a restful Christmas break and wish all our families a very happy new year. Please see the academic calendar in 'key information' then 'term dates' for holiday dates for the remainder of this year.
As winter is upon us, please ensure that your child is always appropriately dressed for nursery and that all coats, hats, scarves and gloves are named. It can be very difficult when numerous children in the nursery have the same coat!
I am always here to help with any questions or support you may need around settling your child into nursery, toilet training, behaviour, sleeping, starting school applications … the list is endless. I am usually at the gate at 8.45am and 3.00pm, so if I can help in any way, please come and speak to me - if you can't find me, just call or email. The staff in your child’s class are happy to speak to you with more specific questions about the curriculum and nursery life, but please do contact me if you feel I can help. Please also see the "Useful Links" page, which I hope you will find of use.
I am also a “Domestic Abuse Responder” and our nursery is a BDAP (Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership) Support Hub, so please come and speak to me in confidence if you need any help or support.
Please also ensure that your child has at least one spare change of clothes at nursery, including socks. We also ask that your child does not bring any toys from home. It is easy for these to get lost at nursery, and it can be very upsetting when they cannot be found at home time.
Please see our "Key Information" page for lots of useful information about nursery life. If you have any questions, please do speak to me.
Lois Robins, Family Worker