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Starting School & Transitions

Starting School Applications

Please note that all starting school applications MUST be submitted by 15.01.2025

For all children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021

For those parents and carers with children who turn four on or before 31st August 2025, you will need to make a Starting School Application to Luton Council for the schools of your choice, by 15 January 2025. Your application MUST be submitted by this date or your application will be a "late application" and will not be included in the first round of allocated places. 

Most four-year-olds children join the Reception Year of Primary/Infant School the September after their fourth birthday.  For further information, please see the links below or speak to Lois.   

All the information on how to apply for a school place is available on the Luton Borough Council Admissions website: Starting School in September 2025

To check your catchment school, please follow the link: Catchment Area Look Up

Please do your research and choose your School carefully, based on what is important to you.  Please contact your choice of Schools direct for further information and to book a visit to have a look around.  Individual School websites also contain useful information, and it is also useful to look at the School’s latest Ofsted report, please follow the link to the Ofsted website at: 

When you make your application you will be asked to give three School choices in order, so please think carefully about which schools you would like to apply for and why.  If you are unsure which school catchment you live in, you can also check this on the Admissions website. If you choose to apply for a school out of your catchment area there is no guarantee that you will be allocated a place so please think carefully about why you are applying for a particular school.  For details on how School places are allocated, please follow the link to How to Apply for a School Place

You can change your application once it has been submitted but you must remember to submit your application again to enforce any changes. The Admissions Team will use the latest applications submitted as at 15th January 2025 so your application MUST be submitted prior to this date.  If you fail to submit your application for any reason by 15th January 2025, your application will be deemed to be a “late application” and will not be included in the first round of allocated places, this could affect which School you are later allocated. 

  • For all applications received by 15 January, the allocated school place will be sent to parents on 16 April 2025

If you need any further support on what you need to do when choosing a school or making your application, please speak to me.  Please be assured that I am here to support you in any way I can.

If you have any other queries with regard to your child starting School then you can also contact the Admissions Team at Luton Borough Council:

Admissions team, Town Hall, George Street, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU1 2BQ, Tel: 01582 548016


Lois Robins – Family Worker

Transition to Primary/Infant School

Please see information below from Flying Start regarding school transitions:

Flying Start Parent Transition Resources

Flying Start - Ready for School: A Parent's Guide