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We appreciate that parking is difficult outside the nursery, and we thank the majority of our parents and carers who park in a safe and considerate manner. 

Unfortunately, we have had a number of recent incidents with cars illegally parked on the yellow "keep clear" zig-zag lines, in front of the gates to our staff car park, and on the path outside our gates. Staff are constantly monitoring parking and have witnessed a number of incidents and accidents due to inconsiderate and unsafe parking. 

We have also had numerous incidents of cars blocking and even parking on resident's driveways!  Please do not obstruct driveways at any time and ensure that our residents have access to their property at all times.  We also ask that you do not park on the grass verges or double park on Wycombe Way or Grasmere Road, as this makes it impossible for the emergency services to drive through safely.

We respectfully ask that, for the safety of our children, families, staff and the local community, you do not park in these areas, and we ask that everyone parks in a manner that is safe, courteous and legal.

Parking Wardens carry out regular patrols and will issue parking fines to anyone who is parked illegally. For further information, please see the letter below from Bedfordshire Police. If you need further clarification or have any questions, please speak to Lois.